Stone Age Produces Modular Masonry Kits for Every Application, Indoors or Out
Buck County Hardscape & Building Supply can supply you with top-quality prefabricated masonry fireplace products from Stone Age Manufacturing for your next outdoor fireplace project. All-in-one outdoor fireplace kits that are easily assembled and far more affordable than scratch-built alternatives.
Stone Age products are pre-engineered, modular kits designed by master masons. They are made from specially formulated reinforced concrete blends in easily assembled packages designed to replace traditional scratch-built construction or other factory-built products.

Stone Age kits are available for any fireplace, fire pit, outdoor kitchen, wood-fired oven, or smoker application. All models are designed to seamlessly integrate with each other, facilitating larger multi-element installations as well as phased or standalone projects.
Kits are assembled using heat-resistant mortar or landscape block adhesives and are finished with any masonry-compatible material and finishing technique.
What Stone Age Offers
- Deeper Firebox Designs
- Precisely Sized Front Openings
- Larger, Lined Chimney Flue
- All Refractory (High-Temperature Resistant) Materials
- Heavy-Duty, Solid-Wall Construction
- Steel Reinforcement Within Kit Pieces
- Simplified Construction

Stone Age fireplaces are designed to draft strongly so that smoke flows up through the chimney instead of spilling out of the front of the fireplace, as happens with many other lesser-quality fireplaces.
The Contractor Series offers Stone Age design and materials with an emphasis on value. The kit is distilled down to its essential fireplace and chimney components, and additional items are left optional. This series is the perfect choice for applications where a customized profile is desired or for projects where the lower wood storage area of the Standard fireplace is not needed.
Call our hardscaping experts today to learn more: 215-773-9600